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About Us

The CPEE has been developed by the research group «Workflow Systems and Technology» at the University of Vienna, and currently is developed by the research group «Information Systems and Business Process Management» at the Technical University of Munich. Our research is focused on Business Process Management and Workflow Systems, particularly on the integration and verification of compliance rules throughout the workflow life cycle, security and privacy issues in adaptive, inter-organizational Workflow Systems as well as advanced methods for workflow analysis and optimization. 

Juergen Mangler

Role: Architect & Lead Developer 
Juergen is passionate about process management, programming languages (especially Ruby) and distributed systems. He envisioned the CPEE to be a slim maintainable research tool, which can be extended without students messing up the core. He strongly believes that digging into vast piles of code just to add simple features should be avoided (by design) at any price. Surprisingly these qualities proved to be popular with industry partners as well. Juergen is our main specialist in XCOM. 

Ralph Vigne

Role: Senior Extension Specialist 
Ralph is interested in using the CPEE on mobile devices, and dynamic service selection. Lead developer for the unified service marketplace, which allows for the seamless utilization of similar services from different vendors, independent of interfaces or used technologies. He also maintains an Android client that orchestrates the process of movie theater reservations for Viennese cinemas. 

Florian Stertz

Role: Hardware Automation Chief, Logging Jedi, JN-66 Time-Series Analysis Droid 
Florian is all about process based hardware integration and synchronization. He created a NFC enabled worklist, that allows for an efficient documentation of process progress in medical settings. Florian loves to drop logs, preferably in the «XES» format. Currently he specializes in time-series analysis to find drifts and deviations. Florian is the recipient of an imperial assault tin medal in summer 2015. 

Manuel Gall

Role: UI «Wizzard» 
Manuel specializes in worker assistance and workflow↔UI integration. He explores oodles of visualization and interaction methods, such as VR, AR and interactive touch panels. On weekends he visits the market. 

Mathias Hoellerer

Role: Chief Exobiologist, Git Commit Guru 
Mathias uses the CPEE for plant (factory) automation and plant (seedling and weeds) recognition. He knows everything there is to know about versioning and authorized keys. Mathias likes cheese. 

Stefanie Rinderle-Ma

Role: Scientific Advisor 
«Stefanie» is the head of the IS-BPM group and has more than 20 years experience regarding all aspects of business process management, especially adaptive process management systems. She was involved in the development of «ADEPT», the first adaptive workflow management system, which also lead to the commercially successful «AristaFlow® BPM Plattform». 

Erich Schikuta

Role: Scientific Advisor 
Erich with his 40+ years experience in fields like Parallel, Distributed, Cluster, Grid and Cloud Computing, as well as Service Oriented Architectures, especially shapes the CPEE project regarding multi-threading and multi-core support. His interests in novel business models for cloud environments also lead to a unified service marketplace (see Ralph Vigne) and a push towards Service Level Agreement (SLA) utilization for processes. 


As the CPEE is in active development since four years, numerous other persons make/made contributions or wrote extensions: 
Letzte Änderung: 09.06.2021, 15:12 | 672 Worte