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Cloud Process Execution Engine
CPEE is a modular, service oriented workflow execution engine targeted at researchers, developers and system admins. It's goal is to provide a simple and lightweight, but also more powerful alternative to existing execution engines. Modularity for us means supporting (1) ''execution languages'' (i.e. BPEL, YAWL, BPMN), (2) ''interaction protocol'' (SOAP, REST, XMPP), and (3) ''execution shaping'' (runtime ad-hoc changes and custom behaviour) by adding simple REST web-services. In contrast to other engines, there is not internal API, dependency on frameworks or programming languages. Instead CPEE is a toolkit to build custom solutions. CPEE can be embedded into any website or application (running on a server, in a cluster or in the cloud) by solely relying on the HTTP protocol.
- It is a REST service.
- It's core has ~ 1000 lines of code.
- Startup in less than 10 ms.
- After startup it consumes ~ 35 MiB memory.
- Per running instance it consumes often less than 1 MiB memory.
- It heavily optimized for multi-core architectures.
- Scale-out architecture: instances can be distributed to multiple nodes with load-balancing.
- It beats a wide selection of industry leading Process Management Systems in terms of «pattern support».
- Roughly 80.000 downloads in 10 years.
- Used in more than 15 national and international research projects ranging from manufacturing to medical applications.
- Used to teach 1.000nds of students about service orchestration and workflow management for more than 10 years
2 good to be true? Play with it.
Try out our demo: a simple HTML webpage, that includes the engine via javascript (AJAX & SSE) and realizes (1) editing, (2) execution monitoring and (3) debugging.
- «To the demo».
- Screencast «AVI, 37.4 MiB», Screenshots
The CPEE is available under the LGPL V3.0 license. For local installation type «gem install cpee».
Our Mantra
- No fiddling around with internal API's, just a simple, powerful REST API.
- No dependency on particular process languages, use whatever suits your project.
- No customization through engine implementation specific languages, embrace the web.
- No home grown VM in the core, rely on an existing, continuously optimized VM.
- No monolithic (model → instance) design or complex internal state, just transparency and scalability.
More to come
We will soon provide
- Documentation of the REST API.
- Documentation of the Event Model.
- Dynamic service selection example.
Stay tuned.
Letzte Änderung: 14.05.2024, 23:34 | 387 Worte