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JS Monitor

In order to get this example working, insert the javascript into the script task into the template.html

Which are the events I want to see?

Multiple topic / events pairs can be sent; events holds 1..n events. Possible events (for instance 1) can be found at «». 
var sub = 'topic'  + '=' + 'running' + '&' +
          'events' + '=' + 'activity_calling,activity_manipulating,activity_failed,activity_done';

Which instance do I want to monitor?

var url = "";


First we tell the instance which events we want. 
    type: "POST",
    url: url + "/notifications/subscriptions/",
    data: sub,
    success: function(res){
Upon success we extract the subscription id … 
     var subscription;
      res = res.unserialize();
        if (b[0] == 'key') {
          subscription = b[1];
… and use it to create an url to a websocket. 
     var Socket = "MozWebSocket" in window ? MozWebSocket : WebSocket;
      var ws = new Socket(url.replace(/http/,'ws') + "/notifications/subscriptions/" + subscription + "/ws/");
      ws.onopen = function() {
        mylog("monitoring", "opened", subscription);
      ws.onclose = function() {
        mylog("monitoring", "closed", "server down i assume.");
This websocket constantly streams the events to us, we just have to interpret them. 
     ws.onmessage = function(e) {
        data =;
        if ($('event > topic',data).length > 0) {
          var notification = $('event > notification',data).text();
          mylog("event", $('event > topic',data).text() + "/" + $('event > event',data).text(), notification);
        if ($('vote > topic',data).length > 0) {
          var notification = $('vote > notification',data).text();
          mylog("vote", $('vote > topic',data).text() + "/" + $('vote > vote',data).text(), notification);
Neat thing: this doesn't need to be on a server, put it into the templace and it will even work when opened locally. 
Letzte Änderung: 10.09.2014, 04:19 | 291 Worte